معرفی نرم افزار Modelsim
* Improved FSM debug options including control of basic information, transition table and warning messages. Added support of FSM Multi-state transitions coverage (i.e. coverage for all possible FSM state sequences).
* Improved debugging with hyperlinked navigation between s and their declaration, and between visited source files.
* The dataflow window can now compute and display all paths from one net to another.
Enhanced code coverage data management with fine grain control of information in the source window.
* Toggle coverage has been enhanced to support SystemVerilog types: structures, packed unions, fixed-size multi-dimensional arrays and real.
* Some IEEE VHDL 2008 features are supported including source code encryption.
Added support of new VPI types, including packed arrays of struct nets and variables.
* Multi-language, high performance simulation engine
* Verilog, VHDL, SystemVerilog Design
* Code Coverage
* SystemVerilog for Design
* Integrated debug
* JobSpy Regression Monitor
* Mixed HDL simulation option
* SystemC Option
* TCL/tk
* Solaris and Linux 32 & 64-bit
* Windows 32-bit
* High performance HDL simulation solution for FPGA & ASIC design teams
* The best mixed-language environment and performance in the industry.
* Intuitive GUI for efficient interactive or post-simulation debug of RTL and gate-level designs
* Merging, ranking and reporting of code coverage for tracking verification progress
* Sign-off support for popular ASIC libraries
* All ModelSim products are 100% standards based. This means your investment is protected, risk is lowered, reuse is enabled, and productivity is enhanced.
* Award-winning technical support.